The Lost Generation

Never before in Australian history have our young people been so confused.
“I have done my study and completed my degree, so why won’t anyone give me a job?”
I hear the same story all the time and it saddens me every time I hear it.
“Nobody told me I wouldn’t be able to find employment when I finished my course!”
No wonder we are desperately short of skilled tradespeople. Young people leaving school are hoodwinked into believing that the higher the education level, the greater chance of a job.
Since when do the educational institutions dictate what is needed in business & commerce in Australia?
Since when do the politicians and government along with the banks know where the jobs are? Yet we watch the news and blindly follow predictions and statistics blasted at us on TV about what we should be doing, instead of getting out there and finding out for ourselves.
Young people have no idea how to do this and so they are vulnerable to these media suggestions which are generally only 25% correct.
THIS, is one of the major reasons why we have massive skill shortages and, unfortunately,  it is not going to get any better in the short term.
Message to all young people leaving school:
  • Follow your instincts
  • Listen to your heart
  • Explore the possibilities
  • Never say no
  • Do your research
  • Talk to your parents
  • Make your decision
  • Stick to it

Author: Ralph Hunter

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Inwork International

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About Inwork International

In Work International trades globally in skilled people and was formed by the founding and Managing Director of In Work, Ralph Hunter. In Work was established when Ralph Hunter identified a number of critical needs in the employment and training industry that were not being met by Government agencies. Commencing in 1997, In Work has been actively involved in servicing these needs to help individuals sustain long term employment.

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